General conditions

(pursuant to Chapter I, Title 3, Part 3 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 as amended and supplemented)

1. Introduction and effectiveness of the General Terms and Conditions

hese general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter referred to as the "General Terms and Conditions") govern the purchase of products and services, made at a distance and made available, via the Internet, from the website (hereinafter, the 'Site') in compliance with the Italian legislation set out in Legislative Decree 206/2005 as amended and supplemented (hereinafter, the 'Consumer Code').

The seller of the products and owner of the Site is: CRM S.r.l. based in in Via E. Fermi, 1a Pistoia (PT) P.IVA 01790450470

The consumer who accesses the Site to make purchases (hereinafter referred to as the 'Customer') is obliged, before sending the order, to carefully read these General Terms and Conditions that have been made available to him/her on the Site and that will be available for consultation at any time by the Customer also through the link contained in the confirmation email of each order to allow him/her to reproduce and memorise them.

If the person making purchases on the Site requires an invoice to be issued and/or is not a "consumer or user" as defined in Article 3(1)(a) of the Consumer Code, the regulations on withdrawal set out in Articles 7 and 8 of these General Terms and Conditions or, more generally, the provisions that under the Consumer Code apply only to "consumers" shall not apply.

Contracts concluded with CRM S.r.l. through the Site are governed by these General Conditions in accordance with Italian law. The language available to conclude the contract is Italian.

2. Choosing and Ordering Products

The characteristics and price of the various products for sale on the Site (hereinafter the "Product" or "Products") are shown on the page relating to each Product.

In order to purchase Products, the Customer shall fill in and send the order form in electronic format, following the instructions contained in the Site. The Customer shall add the Product to the "Shopping Cart" and, after having read the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy and confirmed their acceptance, shall enter the shipping and possible invoicing data, select the desired payment method and confirm the order.

By sending the order from the Site, which has the value of a contractual proposal, the Customer acknowledges and declares that he/she has read all the information provided to him/her during the purchase procedure and that he/she fully accepts the transcribed General Terms and Conditions and Payment Conditions.

The contract concluded between CRM S.r.l. and the Customer shall be deemed concluded with the acceptance of the order by CRM S.r.l. This acceptance is communicated to the Customer by means of an email confirming the order itself containing a reference to these General Terms and Conditions, the order number, the shipping and invoicing data, the list of Products ordered with their essential characteristics and the total price, including delivery charges. The Customer shall check the confirmation email and if he identifies any errors in the order he shall have 12 hours from receipt of such email to contact Customer Service directly from the Site using the contact form accessible via the 'Support' tab.Trascorso tale termine l’ordine verrà messo in lavorazione per la spedizione e non saranno più accettate modifiche, senza pregiudizio per i diritti del Cliente di cui al successivo articolo 7.

Once the order is received, CRM S.r.l. will check stock availability in order to process the order. In the event that one or more Products are not available, the Customer Service of CRM S.r.l. shall promptly notify the Customer by email who, within the following 12 hours, shall be entitled to reply to confirm the shipment of any additional Products available or cancel it. If no reply is received within that time, the order shall be considered confirmed and the available Products shall be shipped. If only a few Products are not in stock, CRM S.r.l. will process the order with the available Products. In both cases, the amount for the missing Products will be reversed immediately depending on the payment method chosen.

3. Product Information

Information and characteristics relating to the Products are available, with the relevant Product codes, on the Site.

The visual representation of the Products on the Site, where available, normally corresponds to the photographic image accompanying the description sheet. It is understood that the image of the Products themselves has the sole purpose of presenting them for sale and may not be perfectly representative of their characteristics and quality but may differ in colour and size. In the event of a difference between the image and the written product description sheet, the product description sheet shall always prevail.

4. Prices and Shipping

Product prices are inclusive of all taxes and duties except for any customs duties, which will be borne by the purchasers. All prices are in Euro.

Italia Zona 1

Fino a 3 kg€ 4,77
Fino a 5 kg€ 5,83
Fino a 10 kg€ 6,90
Fino a 20 kg€ 8,49
Fino a 30 kg€ 10,61
Fino a 50 kg€ 13,79
Fino a 75 kg€ 23,34
Fino a 100 kg€ 23,34

Italia Zona 2

Fino a 3 kg€ 5,83
Fino a 5 kg€ 8,49
Fino a 10 kg€ 9,55
Fino a 20 kg€ 10,61
Fino a 30 kg€ 13,79
Fino a 50 kg€ 17,50
Fino a 75 kg€ 31,83
Fino a 100 kg€ 31,83

5. Payment and Invoicing

5.1 Payment Methods

The Customer may make payment of the price of the Products and related delivery charges by credit card, PayPal, bank transfer,

Credit Card

The circuits on which it is possible to purchase within the Site are:

Visa / Visa Electron, Mastercard

In order to guarantee maximum security, the Customer shall make the payment transaction directly on the bank's secure server.

The Site does not store the Customer's credit card number, but thanks to the secure communication system of the reference credit institute, from the second charge, the Customer who so wishes - by selecting the appropriate option - will be able to proceed with the purchase without entering his or her data again. The credit reference institute uses the SSL protocol to encrypt the data transmitted between its server and the Customer's browser.


Once the order has been confirmed, the Customer will be redirected to the PayPal site where he/she can make the payment with his/her account or using a card, even a prepaid card, or in any case in accordance with the modalities accepted by PayPal and in compliance with its conditions.


Via the Nexi platform

Bancomat Pay

Via the Nexi platform

Bank Transfer

The Customer shall make the transfer within 3 days from the date of the order for orders relating to products that will be sent only upon verification of actual payment. If payment is not made within 3 days, the order shall be cancelled and the goods made available again for purchase by other Customers. The Customer who has not made the transfer may be contacted by Customer Service in order to clarify whether the reason for the non-credit is due to the Customer's desire not to confirm the purchase or to other causes.

Transfer details: c/c:

Registered to: CRM S.r.l.

IBAN: IT84J0306938112100000000368

Bank: Intesa San Paolo

Reason for payment: the Customer shall indicate in the reason for payment the date and the order number, which can be found in the confirmation email (e.g. "Order 01/01/14 n. 100012345").

Transfers from abroad will be charged a fee of EUR 10 for bank charges.

5.2 Invoicing of Orders

It is possible to request an invoice by checking the appropriate box during the order process and entering the invoicing data including tax code and/or VAT number. In this case, the invoice will be sent by email to the address provided. The professional/company is responsible for the correct entry of the invoice data and is expressly informed that, if the invoice is not requested during the order process, it will not be possible to request it later.

6. Transport and delivery

Products purchased on the Site will be delivered to the address indicated by the Customer during the purchase procedure in the "Shipping Data" field.

All purchases will be delivered by express courier (hereinafter, "Courier") from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays and national holidays.

Once the Products have been shipped, the Customer will receive a confirmation email including a link to refer to for tracking the shipment.

Active delivery services in Italy:
Ali Express (by road) within 48h from order completion with the exception of Calabria, Sardinia and Sicily, for which delivery will be within 72h

The service includes 2 delivery attempts at the address indicated at the time of ordering. A notice will be left after each step. After the second unsuccessful delivery attempt, the courier will contact the recipient of the order by telephone on the telephone number provided to arrange delivery. If the courier cannot be reached or is absent, the goods will be returned to the warehouse.

Active delivery services abroad
DHL express (by air) - BRT express (by road)

CRM s.r.l. si riserva la facoltà insindacabile di decidere quale vettore incaricare della consegna nel rispetto dei tempi indicati.

Countries where the service is active:

Countries Area 1: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.

Countries Area 2: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Switzerland, Serbia, Ukraine.

Countries Area 3: United Kingdom, Greece.

In any event, except in cases of force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, the Products ordered will be delivered within a period of 7 (seven) working days from the day following the day on which CRM s.r.l. confirmed the order to the Customer by means of an order confirmation email.

For Area 2 countries, only products permitted by customs rules will be sent.

7. Warranty and Conformity Defects

In the event of conformity defects in Products sold by CRM s.r.l., the Customer shall immediately contact Customer Service using the contact form accessible on the Site via the 'Customer Support' tab.

The legal guarantees provided for in Article 1490 of the Italian Civil Code apply to the sale of Products. The Customer has the right, at his or her choice and provided that the type of Product allows it, to the restoration, without charge, of the conformity of the Product by means of repair or replacement, or to an appropriate reduction of the price, or to the termination of the contract. The Customer forfeits these rights if he does not report to CRM s.r.l. the lack of conformity within a period of 8 days from the date on which it discovered the defect.

8. Errors and Limitations of Liability

The information on Products provided through the Site is constantly updated. However, it is not possible to guarantee the complete absence of errors for which CRM s.r.l. cannot therefore be held liable, except in cases of intent or gross negligence.

CRM s.r.l. reserves the right to correct errors, inaccuracies or omissions even after an order has been placed, or to change or update information at any time without prior notice, without prejudice to the customer's rights under these General Terms and Conditions and the Consumer Code.

Except in the event of wilful misconduct or gross negligence, any right of the Customer to compensation for damages or the payment of compensation is excluded, as well as any contractual or extra-contractual liability for direct or indirect damage to persons and/or property caused by the non-acceptance or non-fulfilment, even partial, of an order.

9. Complaints

Any complaints must be forwarded to CRM s.r.l. by using the contact form accessible directly on the Site via the 'Customer Support' tab, or by registered mail with return receipt to the following address:

Via E. Fermi, 1a 51100 Pistoia (PT)

10. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The sales contract between the Customer and CRM s.r.l. is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law. For the resolution of disputes relating to the interpretation, execution or termination of these General Conditions or of individual purchase orders if the Customer is a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Code, the court of his place of residence or domicile shall have exclusive jurisdiction if located in Italian territory; in all other cases, the territorial jurisdiction shall be exclusively that of the Court of Turin, any other jurisdiction being excluded.

Pursuant to Article 1341 of the Italian Civil Code, the Customer declares that he has read and specifically accepts the following articles of these General Terms and Conditions: 6 (liability for late delivery), 7 (warranty and conformity defects).

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